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Staying organized is essential for small business owners. It helps them stay on track during all the tasks they need to do. This year is no different. Visitors to my site looked for them. Today, I am sharing this year’s top 10 popular small business organizing posts.
Organizing can be done in small increments over a course of time. It doesn’t need to be done and completed all in one day. It just needs to be consistent. Many of them are organizing papers that many small business owners struggle with. Some want to figure out ways to find missing documents easily. And others want to help others (employees, subcontractors, etc…) find papers easily. Other posts visitors are looking for are about how to organize a break room and employee records.
How To Organize Employee Records in Your Small Business
How do you keep your employee’s paperwork? Do you have one folder for each employee? Or are they all in one folder? Do you know where all your employee paperwork is? Do you have subcontractors? Where are all the sensitive W-9 and W-2 paperwork? Are they in a secure place? Every small business needs to
8 Important Business Documents Every Small Business Needs to Find Easily
Let me ask you this question, do you know where ALL your important business documents are? These relevant business documents should be placed in a secure space in your home or business office to access when needed. While I know you may not access them often, you should have them organized and gathered together. While
7 Essential Office Zones Every Small Business Should Have
Have you ever wondered how to make your office or home office more efficient? What workstations should you have to make them more organized and streamlined? The small business owner’s office is a consistently changing space. It expands and contracts as the business grows, slows, and grows again. To make your office efficient and cost-effective,
Effective Steps to Find Missing Papers in Your Office
Ever look for missing papers that need your immediate attention. Going through pile after pile of paper, you think, “What did I do with that … file?” Luckily, below are six steps to find missing papers and documents in your small business. Step 1: Think back; when did you last see the file? Any ideas?
How to Organize Office Supplies for Any Type of Office
Every business has an office supplies area. Whether it is inside a closet or a large room, this area can easily get disorganized with daily use. Today, we are discussing organizing office supplies to help make this space more effective for you and your business. Working in offices for many years, I became an expert
Organize Office Files – So Anyone Can Find Them
One or two people usually know how the office files are organized in a small business office. Those people are interrupted several times throughout the day with questions about where paper files are in the archives. And when that person who knows the organize office files information leaves or works part-time, there can be major
8 Important Examples of Small Business Paperwork Systems
Is your small business paperwork important? One word: YES! They need to be accessible at a moment’s notice. The IRS might need them if you were audited. Your accountant may need them if she is doing your taxes. You may need them if you have to reference client information. A good filing system for all
8 Tips for Keeping Effective Filing Systems
Effective filing systems for the office make your business run more smoothly. Whether you have a huge office, a home office, or a mobile mini office, you can find papers more easily and save time looking for them. To keep effective filing systems in your office, try these tasks to make your small business filing
How to Create an Inviting Break Room
If you have a home office or an office outside your home, a coffee station is a wonderful place to gather and get to know your coworkers, colleagues, and clients. It’s an area that you can use to relax and have some time to decompress before starting work again. But what would you have in
How To Remember Tasks At Work
As small business owners, we have lots of tasks to do during the workday. From answering phones and speaking with customers to designing new layouts, doing payroll, and writing invoices, our days are full of mindless tasks and mentally challenging ones. So, how can we remember all of it? Below are unique tips on how
I hope you enjoy these Popular Small Business Organizing Posts like other visitors. Let’s continue the conversation. Please share your favorite post below if you have visited my site before. And, above all else, may your year be filled with lots of productivity abundance, and joy for you, your business, and your family.
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